Concept Research & Development

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Research & Development

At Equations Work we believe that most successful products necessarily evolve in the following important phases.

idea phase

Idea Phase

Inception Phase

Inception Phase

pre-MVP Phase

Pre-MVP Phase

MVP Phase

MVP Phase

Beta Release

Beta Release



Team Expertise

Equations Work wants to be partner in your journey of Product Development right from Concept Research to Development. Walking with you at every phase, Equations Work has researched and built frameworks that are truly world class!

Check out the following expertise that the Team has for helping you with your Products

User Experience Design

We will help you identify areas for improvement, develop a plan for making those improvements, and provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the process


Conversational AI

We leverage the latest technologies and methods to help you uncover new insights and trends in your audio and speech data.

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Computer Vision

We build Image Recognition and Analysis Solutions tailored for your Business.


System Design & Development

We leverage the latest technologies and methods to help you modernize your applications.


Big Data Development

It is always “The more the merrier” when it comes to Data for decision making. We know how to make it BIG!


Document Intelligence

We leverage the latest technologies and methods to help you uncover new insights and trends in your audio and speech data.

conversational AI

Speech & Audio

We provide end-to-end audio and speech data services, including data collection, processing, and analysis to help you gain insights into your audio and speech data.


Digital Transformation

We leverage the latest technologies and methods to help you uncover new insights and trends in your audio and speech data.