Tag: Artificial Intelligence

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Optimizing Costs while Using Large Language Models

Equations Work was an extensive user of BERT(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers ). Back in 2019, we thought “This was it!” This is the peak of NLP and hence AI. However, in 2022 Equations Work was contracted to create an application for doing “Contract Analysis” using GPT. That was the time we realized that BERT

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ChatGPT: The era of Conversational AI

ChatGPT and its Wonders in the Chatbot world Artificial Intelligence(AI) has a multitude of applications across various fields and domains, be it automation, healthcare, finance, or eCommerce. AI in marketing has helped to re-strategize and re-brand products by predicting customer behavior and improving forecasting accuracy. Today, AI is helping marketers create and tailor marketing content

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Unlocking the Power of Stable Diffusion

Understand what is Stable Diffusion and why more and more organizations have started counting on it.   Stable diffusion is a latent text-to-image diffusion model that is capable of generating photo-realistic images given any text input. It simply translates to a piece of text that can be turned into an image. The length of the

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What is Overfitting in Computer Vision

Overfitting: Perception, Detection, and Avoidance when Modelling in Computer Vision Overfitting is one of the developers’ most difficult challenges when working with computer vision and Machine Learning (ML).  Often, ML models are trained on small sets of data, and as a result, they perform exceptionally well on that data set but, in general, may not

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